Glass Lewis Introduces New Comprehensive Suite of Stewardship Solutions

Institutional investors can select the stewardship service level that best fits their needs in executing effective engagement programs and complying with reporting requirements

San Francisco, Limerick, October 10, 2023  Glass Lewis, a global leader in corporate governance and proxy voting, is introducing a new comprehensive suite of Stewardship Solutions designed for investment managers and pension funds. Engaging with a variety of portfolio companies on a diverse set of governance, environmental, and social issues requires considerable time and expertise. We know this firsthand because we've been supporting clients engagement programs for some time now and have a front row view into the effort it takes to engage effectively and report on the outcomes of those engagements, said Eric Shostal, Head of Global Research and Engagement at Glass Lewis.

Glass Lewis new, multi-level Stewardship Solutions enable investors to consider their engagement needs and look to the expertise of the Glass Lewis Stewardship team to enhance their outreach programs. The new solution set flexes from a SaaS-based tracking and reporting platform that clients can use to track their own program to a fully custom service that leverages Glass Lewis Stewardship team to perform and management engagement campaigns on their firm's behalf.

Investment stewardship is intensifying and deepening globally due to evolving regulatory requirements, voluntary frameworks such as the PRI and ISSB, and the need to manage risks and meet client demand. Given today's heightened stewardship expectations, meeting fiduciary obligations through a robust engagement program is crucial to supporting long-term value creation, said Elena Leofanti, Director of Stewardship at Glass Lewis. Yet, with varying priorities and time horizons, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to investment stewardship. Plus, some investors may be new to engagement, while others have highly sophisticated programs in place. Glass Lewis recognizes investors are at various stages of their engagement journey and their efforts are multilayered, which is why we developed our solutions to accommodate a spectrum of needs.

With more than two decades of corporate governance, ESG and proxy voting experience, Glass Lewis is well-positioned to address investors ever-increasing stewardship needs. The firm is well-known for its industry-leading governance research and controversy insights, sophisticated Viewpoint voting platform, wide variety of proxy voting policy choices, engagement services, and extensive ESG database. Under its new Stewardship Solutions, Glass Lewis Is able to address the expanding governance requirements clients face.

To learn more about how Glass Lewis Stewardship Solutions can benefit your organization, please visit here.

About Glass Lewis

Founded in 2003, Glass Lewis is a leading global provider of independent corporate governance, stewardship, and proxy voting solutions. The firm serves more than 1,300 investment managers and pension funds globally, who use its high-quality corporate governance and ESG research and proxy voting software to carry out their fiduciary duties. Glass Lewis also helps companies understand and implement corporate governance best practices. Headquartered in San Francisco, Glass Lewis has offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, and Australia. For more information, please visit


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