Peer Group
Peer Group Submission
Submit self-identified peer groups used for executive compensation benchmarking.
Opt-in to Peer Submission Communications.
Peer Group Submission
Peer submission windows are open twice annually for publicly traded companies in the U.S. and Canada to submit self-identified peer groups used for their executive compensation benchmarking. Self-disclosed peer groups are incorporated into Glass Lewis’ proprietary methodology which drives our executive compensation assessment and the outcome of our executive compensation model.
Relevant companies are notified by email of biannual open window periods. Opt-in to peer submission communications.
Glass Lewis’ Peer Methodology
Glass Lewis has Glass Lewis has a rigorous, state-of-the-art peer methodology that informs our Pay-for-Performance Model, and our Say on Pay recommendations. Beginning with a company’s self-disclosed peers, Glass Lewis then includes investor views on both industry-based and country-based peers, in addition to the company’s peers-of-peers. This approach ensures additional screens based on corporate revenue, market capitalization, and assets; weightings also consider the source and frequency of confirmation, and peer rankings are based on a strength-of-connection approach that considers all potential peers, not just those resulting from the network effects of corporate disclosures.
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