ESG Profile Data

Insights on Disclosure and Management of Material ESG Issues

Gain a full view of companies’ ESG practices to make more informed voting and engagement decisions.

With growing focus on E&S issues and evolving regulations requiring investors to report and engage on ESG topics, access to timely data is critical. Glass Lewis’ ESG Profile Data offers an actionable overview of ESG policies and practices, from board oversight to alignment with major reporting frameworks.

How it Works


Access ESG Data

ESG Profile Data and scores are included in our Proxy Paper research reports for over 6,300 global companies. For regular updates to ESG details throughout the year or for implementation of data in voting processes, we also offer an ESG Data Feed.


Enhance Voting and Stewardship Processes

Access our data feed to receive ESG scores and details of company practices and policies before each vote. Use ESG data for internal analysis, models and scores, or to inform investing and proxy voting decisions.

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