Looking for Glass Lewis’ 2021 Policy Guidelines? Updated guidelines for most markets are available on the 2021 Voting Policies page of our website.
Now featuring: Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan.
The policy guidelines set out Glass Lewis’ approach to assessing all topics on the annual general meeting agenda, covering everything from director elections, executive compensation, boards and balance sheet management to ESG issues. They are reviewed at least annually and tailored to reflect the governance and regulatory environments of each market, while keeping a global perspective in mind. Specific focus is paid to recent and pending changes to rules, requirements and market practices, along with any other factors that could materially affect shareholder rights or stewardship more generally.
You can still access the current 2020 Policy Guidelines, as well as information about our thematic voting policies.