Taiwan is one of the leading markets in Asia in terms of corporate governance, and its governance practices have undergone a series of profound positive changes in the past several years.
As a proxy advisor publishing thousands of reports each year ahead of shareholder meetings, and conducting engagement discussions with corporate issuers and other stakeholders, we recognize and understand that it is important to consider individual market practices when issuing voting recommendations.
In 2022 Q4, Glass Lewis conducted a survey to better understand the current environment that Taiwanese companies are operating in and to dive deeper into how Taiwan listed companies are grappling with several of global corporate governance’s key topics.
The survey comprised 37 questions, covering a range of topics related to:
- Board Nomination
- Capital Issuances
- Director Commitments
- Gender Diversity
- Governance & Oversight
- Succession Planning
We received 73 responses from Taiwan-listed public companies, showing a variety of areas where companies are relatively in line with international corporate governance trends and best practices, including ESG disclosure developments and attitudes towards gender diversity on boards.
However, in other areas, responses demonstrated where public companies in Taiwan still struggle to meet some best practice standards, including the general lack of nomination committees, lack of formal succession planning for board members, and limited shareholder engagement.
The results of the survey, along with data and analysis, are available to Glass Lewis clients via Viewpoint and Governance Hub. If you’re not a Glass Lewis client, you can request a copy here.
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Glass Lewis continually monitors regulatory developments across the globe so that our clients stay up to date on emerging best practices and local market expectations for key governance and ESG topics.
For more information on Glass Lewis’ approach to proxy research, contact:
GROW@glasslewis.com (Institutional Investors) | ENGAGE@glasslewis.com (Public Companies)