2018 IDR Service Sign Ups Now Available
Glass Lewis is pleased to announce the limited expansion of its IDR service to the Japanese market for 2018. While support for the IDR service in North America and European markets is provided by Meetyl, in it’s pilot year, Glass Lewis will provide support for all Japanese IDR sign ups.
More Transparency, Greater Accuracy.
IDRs enable corporate issuers to review the key data points used by Glass Lewis in its analysis prior to a full Proxy Paper research report being published for institutional investor clients. Issuers can confirm that their company data accurately reflects the information publicly available to shareholders. While the IDR does not contain Glass Lewis’ analysis or voting recommendations, the data points included are critical inputs for Glass Lewis’ analysis.
Launched in 2015, the IDR initially rolled out in the United States and in 2016 expanded to companies in Europe, the UK and Canada. Our goal is to make the IDR available to all subject companies for all the meetings we cover globally, expanding enrollment in more markets each year.
A Simple Process.
Companies interested in receiving their IDR first sign up and receive a response to confirm participation. Approximately three to four weeks prior to their shareholder meeting, the issuer’s IDR is distributed via email.
Issuers are generally given 48 hours to review their IDR and provide any suggested corrections to Glass Lewis, with the public documentation supporting such corrections. Glass Lewis reviews responses and updates any relevant information prior to publishing the completed Proxy Papers. This review process provides sufficient time for issuer review, while allowing Glass Lewis to meet its publishing deadlines and its investor clients to use the completed reports to make informed proxy voting decisions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Glass Lewis is dedicated to developing high quality, accurate corporate governance research based on publicly available information. We recognize that constructive engagement with corporate issuers enhances the quality of our Proxy Paper research reports by helping to ensure we consider the most relevant information about each public company. During meetings with companies, we encourage public disclosure of all relevant information. Glass Lewis’ reliance only on public information ensures that our research reports reflect the most current and accurate data available to shareholders.
To facilitate greater transparency and accuracy and as part of our ongoing engagement program, Glass Lewis is making the IDR available to requesting issuers, initially in select markets only. The IDR comprises the key data points used by Glass Lewis in developing reports on the subject company’s annual meeting. IDR users will be able to review the data, provide feedback on perceived inaccuracies and update Glass Lewis on new public information.
The IDR service is available in the selected markets below:
- U.S. companies listed on the NASDAQ and NYSE exchanges
- Canadian companies listed on the TSX exchange
- European companies listed on a main market segment of a primary stock exchange
We encourages companies to review the information regarding our policies and methodologies used in developing our analysis on the Guidelines page.