CEO KT Rabin and VP Research & Engagement Kern McPherson discuss key details of Glass Lewis’ new Report Feedback Statement (RFS) service in this nine-minute webinar. WATCH

The RFS service provides public companies and shareholder proponents–the subjects of Glass Lewis’ Proxy Paper analysis–the opportunity to submit feedback about Glass Lewis’ analysis of their proposals, and have those comments delivered directly to Glass Lewis’ investor clients.

For the 2019 proxy season, public companies and shareholder proposal proponents participating in the pilot program can express their opinions through a unique, focused channel to 3,000+ individuals who subscribe to Glass Lewis’ research and voting services.

This webinar provides an overview of the RFS service and addresses frequently asked questions. Topics of discussion include:

  • Why Glass Lewis is launching this service
  • How the service will operate, including how Report Feedback Statements will be distributed to investors
  • Pre-requisites for subscribing to the service
  • What the service costs

Watch the webinar
Sign up for RFS